- Recommended Supplier of local disinfecting products -

A natural septic cleaner and mild degreaser
The Natural Power Of Septic Aid Can Be Used To:
- Eliminate bad odor
- Degrade grease and oils
- Unclog pipes
- Accelerate the process of decomposition of solid & liquid septic waste
- Maintain physiochemical balance and integrity within sewerage and septic waste

Septic Aid is a biological product that is formulated naturally with sugarcane molasses. It is a brown solution made from the mixing of aerobic and anerobic microorganisms. Septic Aid is made using Effective MicroorganismTM Technology, which is a combination of non-toxic and beneficial fermenting microorganisms that include lactic acid bacteria, phototrophic bacteria and yeast.
Septic Aid was developed to address three critical components of sewerage waste within septic and septic-like structures that include: odor control, bacterial equilibrium and physicochemical integrity of the solid and liquid waste within.
How to Use
The use of Septic Aid reduces odor and degrades grease and oils in grease traps, tubing, pipes and water ways. Due to its natural composition, Septic Aid does not cause harm to the environment nor to your health.
Septic Aid is a concentrated product that should be applied directly in toilet bowl and flushed, grease traps, piping, tubing, water lines and in some cases in a dosificator that will facilitate the work of an operator and the dosage to be used. Do not mix and store with chemical products that cause contamination. Once the container is open evade exposure to direct sunlight, powder and air. Keep container closed.
Lactic Acid Bacteria, Phototrophic Bacteria, Yeast in an aqueous medium with polysaccharides.
Ingestion: Maintain the person in a relaxed state and do not use any medication. If the person is conscious, give plenty of water to dilute the product and induce vomiting. If the person is unconscious contact medical personnel.
Inhalation: No possible effects of inhalation.
Contact With Eyes: Wash the area with water a low pressure for at least 15 minutes. See your ophthalmologist if irritation persists. In case you use contact lenses, remove them and follow the above procedures.
Skin Contact: Wash the skin with water and soap. If the product spill unto your clothing, remove it and wash it before use.
Skin Absorbtion: The product cannot be absorbed by the skin.
In case of intoxication consult a medical personnel. Maintain out of reach of children. In case of emergency call your National Center of Intoxication.